Battle Ground Public Schools

2015-16 BGPS CommunityReport

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2015–16 COMMUNITY REPORT | 7 AND FOR THE FUTURE PROPOSED LONG-RANGE FACILITIES PLAN The Facilities Improvement Team has worked this year to develop a long-range facilities plan comprising multiple phases of construction. The team looked at building conditions and needs, enrollment projections and funding options and sought community input. The district employed an online community engagement tool called Thoughtexchange to survey its patrons and prioritize the thoughts and ideas that developed from it. More than 1,900 community members, parents and staff participated in the conversation. From this research, FIT has proposed a facilities plan that would reduce overcrowding, meet enrollment growth, provide for high-quality learning environments and maintain facilities while simultaneously maximizing state construction assistance and maintaining a stable and predictable tax rate. Long-range planning with multiple phases and bonds lets the district proactively plan facility improvements and construction projects using a stepped approach that stabilizes the tax rate over time. As a bond's principal and interest are paid, there is room to add additional bonds. Over time, multiple bonds create a more predictable tax structure while meeting the district's facility needs. THREE-PHASED APPROACH PHASE 1: 2016-2021 ■ ■ Replace several buildings including Glenwood Heights Primary, Laurin Middle, Pleasant Valley Primary and Middle, Prairie High 500-900 buildings and the District Operations building. ■ ■ Renovate Amboy Middle 300 building ■ ■ Construct new K-4, 5-8 campus in the southeast section of the district to relieve overcrowding and meet enrollment growth. ■ ■ District-wide safety and technology upgrades, classroom improvements and maintenance to athletic fields and play areas. PHASE II: 2022-2027 ■ ■ Replace or modernize Maple Grove and River HomeLink buildings. ■ ■ Construct a third high school and additional K-4, 5-8 campus. Locations and designs will be based on identified enrollment needs. ■ ■ District-wide safety and technology upgrades and improvements to classrooms and outdoor spaces. PHASE III: 2028-2033 ■ ■ Replace Battle Ground High School, Yacolt Primary and portions of Captain Strong Primary. ■ ■ Construct additional school buildings based on enrollment growth and educational needs. ■ ■ Maintain buildings with appropriate repairs to roofs, parking lots, safety features and technology. CARING FOR CLASSROOMS The district's facilities department is committed to providing safe, clean and secure learning environments. Proper maintenance and facility upkeep are key to preserving the community's investment in schools. Maintenance, custodial and grounds crews work year-round to maintain facilities. This year the district completed several projects and ongoing maintenance, including: ■ ■ New roofs at Maple Grove School and CASEE B ■ ■ New parking lots at Pleasant Valley campus & Prairie High School ■ ■ Painted several building exteriors ■ ■ The custodial department cleans 1.6 million square feet of district facilities every night ■ ■ Maintenance crews service 3,000 work orders every year ■ ■ New paint and grounds crews help preserve, maintain and beautify district property Learn more about the team's work online at

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